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This Sunday, in both services, we heard from John Eldredge speaking on the topic of his book "All Things New: Heaven, Earth, and the restoration of everything you Love".

John Eldredge has been part of leading an international ministry, Wild at Heart, for several decades. He is a New York Times bestseller author, counsellor, communicator and someone who has a vision for the rediscovery of the masculine and feminine heart.

Here at St Peter's we have a number of Wild at Heart books and small group resources in our library. There are a number of our members who have taken part in studying their "The Captivating Experience" and "The Wild at Heart Experience" studies, along with "The Becoming a King Experience" - and who have found great freedom, growth and life from what God has taught them through this ministry.

If the interest is there, we have people willing to facilitate the 5 week / 5 session study of the "All Things New" video series based on John's book. Please register your interest at our Join a Group page here on this site or contact our office. You can also express your interest in the same way in the "Wild at Heart Experience" study, or the "Becoming a King Experience" study.

We also will have a "The Captivating Experience" 6 week study starting in St Petri Hall on Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm, on August 3rd. Lauren Grieger is facilitating this study, so please contact the Ministry Centrem(08 8584 5522), or register your interest online on our website.

Please also find your Growing Faith @ Home resource sheet, and the "Living It" for this week for downloading.

Blessings on your week.
